How to Make Your Game Published by a Mobile Game Publishing Company

Cansu Yağsız
3 min readMay 28, 2021


Looks like you have a mobile game idea or design that you feel that it will be a hit, congrats! Maybe you will do it with your team, but after making it, there are some questions to be considered: Will you make its A/B test? Or will players be entertained while playing your game? What about ads? How will you promote your game, do you have enough budget to do it? Because of these points, developers enter into an agreement with massive mobile game publishing companies like Zynga, Voodoo, Rollic, etc. Of course, publisher companies do not publish every game, and have some main requirements while choosing a game to publish. These are:

  1. Follow mobile game hits In order to make hit games, you need to see what people love currently.

Your game idea might be really cool for you, but you should take into consideration what people like to play (mechanics, concepts, color harmonies, etc.). You can use some sites that shows top apps at that time, and examine the games’ looks, mechanics, concepts, etc. Top games chart means most people play them and they attract player’s attention. However, do not stick into it too much, it may affect your original game ideas.

What to do: Examine the games in top chart (mainly App Store). Design your game idea considering the popular mechanics, concepts, and gameplay experience.

2. Design your game considering time and your team’s capability

Well, we cannot think about making an open world game for mobile. If you have team including several game developers or you are the only one that will make the game, you need to design a game that includes easier game mechanics to make in game engines. You also cannot lose time with only one game. You should make mobile games as soon as possible and release them — that’s how you can see your progress and earn money. In case of this situation, “Hyper-casual” game type can fit to a small team with a limited time. After designing the game, you should make a “prototype” of your game, so you can submit it to a publishing company.

What to do: If you have a small team, you can design easier mechanics and gameplay to save your time and complete the game. Make the prototype of your game instead of making the game’s full version.

3. After making your game

After making the prototype, you should submit your prototype to a mobile game publishing company. You can easily visit their website and follow the instructions. Most of the mobile game publishing companies have “submit” tab in their sites. After that, a meeting will be held with you and the company, and you can enter into an agreement with a mobile game publishing company. So that you can see your game’s potential with a good promotion of your game!

What to do: Visit a mobile game publishing company’s site and submit your game. After meeting and talking about the details, your game’s prototype will be published with a good promotion and ads.

To sum up, this can be a guide about beginning of a game idea to publishing your game’s prototype with a mobile game publishing company. However, it is not guaranteed that your game’s prototype will be published, they are just some tips that can increase possibility that can be published by a mobile game company and can be a hit mobile game. Hope to see your games in App Store!

Cansu Yağsız



Cansu Yağsız
Cansu Yağsız

Written by Cansu Yağsız

Hi, I am Cansu Yağsız. I write essays about any topic (mainly gaming), hope you enjoy it :)

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